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Different Venom Hosts


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Different Venom Symbiote Hosts

Sep 7 2018

Venom Symbiote Hosts

Since the Venom symbiote was first introduced to the Marvel Universe he has taken over many different hosts. These hosts have altered the Venom personality to the point where he has become one of the most fearsome and formidable foes in the Marvel Universe. Here are a handful of characters who have been the Venom Symbiote hosts.

Spider-Man (Black Suit)

After being kidnapped by Beyonder and forced to fight in his Secret Wars, Spider-Man’s suit was damaged. While trying to repair the suit with futuristic technology, he ultimately replaced his classic suit with the Venom Symbiote. The Symbiote wrapped around Peter’s body and took form in the Black Suit. The Black Suit was able to transform into street clothing and can generate its own webs. Upon returning to Earth, Peter noticed that the suit was behaving strangely and with the help of Mister Fantastic, was able to forcefully remove it. The Symbiote was housed at the Fantastic Four’s headquarters for a short while until it escaped and eventually merged with Eddie Brock.

Venom Symbiote Spider-Man Suit

Venom Symbiote Spider-Man Suit


During the Secret Wars Comics, Deadpool visited Battleworld where he came across an imprisoned Venom Symbiote. He released the symbiote and wore it as a costume for a short while until he realized that it was a living creature that was interacting with his mind. Being fearful that his insanity would harm the symbiote, he decided to return it to the prison where it would shortly be discovered by Spider-Man.

Eddie Brock Venom

Eddie Brocks story began as a successful reporter for the Daily Globe, however his success was short-lived when Spider-Man debunked his exclusive story by revealing the true identity of the serial killer — Sin Eater. After the true identity was revealed, Eddie Brock got fired from the Daily Globe and became the laughing stock of his peers when he is forced to work at a tabloid magazine covering cheap gossip stories. As if his successful career abruptly coming to an end was not hard enough, he then found out he had terminal cancer, becomes disowned by his father and divorced by his wife. He spent much of his time at the gym to get his mind off of his misfortune but blamed everything on Spider-Man.



While going to Our Lady of Saints Church to pray, he becomes bonded with the Venom Symbiote who was drawn by his aggression toward Spider-Man. Venom amplified Eddie’s Strength and kept him alive. After being bonded to Spider-Man, Venom managed to copy some of his characteristics and granted Eddie the ability to shoot webs and climb walls. The two went on to clash on many occasions with Venom almost winning several times.

Flash Thompson (Agent Venom)

While experimenting with the Symbiote-Soldier program — Project Rebirth 2.0 — the U.S. government bonded the Venom Symbiote to a disabled Flash Thompson. Having lost his legs in Iraq when risking his life to save his partner, he was able to replicate his legs with the Venom Symbiote once bonded. in addition to gaining his mobility, he also received powers similar to that of Spider-Man and went out on a number of dangerous missions overseas as Agent Venom.

Agent Venom

Agent Venom

What’s Next?

As you may have heard, we recently revealed that our shirt shipping at the end of September is Venom themed. This shirt is perfect for any fan of the alien symbiote and will surely be a great addition to any Arctifan’s collection. Make sure to follow us on social and let us know which Venom Symbiote hosts are your favorite and keep an eye out at the end of the month for your Venom tees!