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Who Were Spider-Man's Parents


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What Happened to Peter Parker’s Parents?

Aug 17 2018

Peter Benjamin Parker was born in Queens, New York and at a young age was taken in and cared for by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Under their care he had thrived in school all of his life and instilled with strong work ethic and a righteous sense of morality. Aunt May and Uncle Ben took Peter in as one of their own and throughout the Spider-Man comic Series’ fill the persona of his parental figures. One question many fans may still have however is “What ever happened to Peter Parker’s Parents”?

Who Were Peter Parker’s Parents?

Peter’s father — Richard Parker — was born and raised in Queens, New York where he lived with his older brother Ben Parker, later known as Uncle Ben. Richard was later recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency and began working for them as an Intelligence Agent. While out on a mission he met another secret agent, a woman named Mary Fitzpatrick whom he would later marry and have two children, Peter and Theresa Parker.

Richard and Mary Parker

Richard and Mary Parker

What Happened to Richard and Mary Parker?

Mary and Richard were both assigned the tasks of becoming double agents to infiltrate an Algerian spy ring led by the Communist agent the Red Skull. Red Skull eventually discovered that Richard and Mary were undercover agents serving the United States and ordered one of his agents, The Finisher, to carry out their assassination. The Finisher staged an airplane crash oversees with Richard and Mary on-board. The two died in the crash and were framed for treason in the United States.

While taking care of Peter while his brother and sister in-law were on a secret mission overseas, upon learning of their death, Ben took Peter in as his own child and he and May became surrogate parents. Still being an infant, Peter had no recollection of his parents and did not know what happened to them until he was helping Aunt May move things around in the attic and opened an old trunk filled with his parent’s belongings. Upon noticing an old news clipping that identified his parents as traitors, he questioned Aunt May for answers. Unable to believe the story he requested the help of the Fantastic Four where they traveled to Algeria to learn more about his parents when he comes across their old I.d.s. While battling Red Skull he cracked Richard’s I.D. exposing his CIA I.d. to show through, proving them to be double agents. Peter, then satisfied with learning his parents were not traitors returned to the United States.

What’s Next?

In celebration of the Amazing Spider-Man we the team at Arctify have announced that the shirt for the month of August will be inspired by Marvel’s The Amazing Spider-Man. The Shirt Will be going out the last week of August. Be sure to share this with any Spider-Man fans you may know as once the tee is shipped it will not be re-printed!

-The Arctify Team